--- filename: 'XXXX-XX-XX.md' committee_year: 2024 --- # The agenda for the upcoming meeting is: ## Next meeting time ## Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting ## Circular Motions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Attendance ### Apologies ### Absences ### Start Time ## Committee Reports ### President's Report - ### Vice President's Report - ### Secretary's Report - ### Treasurer's Report - Westpac Main $ - Westpac Savings $ - Westpac Card $ - Guild Account $ - ### Fresher Rep's Report - ### OCM Reports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Action Items from previous meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Machine Technical Reports ### Clubroom Machines ### Servers ### Networks ### Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## New Equipment ## Drinks and Snacks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## External Entities ### Mail ### Guild/SOC #### Tenancy ### Other Entities #### ACNC ## Events ### Past Events ### Confirmed Events #### 50th Anniversary Merchandise #### 50th Anniversary Dinner #### Artemis LAN ### Tentative/Future Events #### Tech Talks #### UniLAN ## Club Collaboration ### UWAES Minecraft Server ### Cameron Hall Quiz Night -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Door Applications ## General Business ### Important/Get Done Soon ### Miscellaneous ### Major plans/ideas to do this year ### New equipment we should get -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Action Items ### End time