UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-10-24
Meeting Opened: 1.10pm
Meeting Closed:
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [President]
- [THA] Tom Hill Almeida [Vice President]
- [042] William Hazelnutt [Secretary]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [MPT] James Arcus [OCM]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
Confirmation of minutes from 2018-10-17
- Minutes are confirmed.
Committee Reports
President's Report
Ouch. ("ha I'm not secretary any more").
Sock meeting had food. Felix is flexing.
Vice President's Report
- Now the most overpowered ocm that ever existed.
- Egotistical rant about his streamlined process to the top (haha I just rocked up and got sec).
Secretary's Report
- Nothing to report.
Treasurer's Report
- Absent
Fresher Rep's Report
- Freshers are alive and breathing (not confirmed).
- Confirmed that the freshers "we care about" are alive and breathing.
- Drink's run. Zack Back attack.
OCM Reports
- [CHB] Discovered that we own the Oculus Rift in the machine room, we should put that to use.
- Felix knew we had an oculus. It's only a devkit. It does include the VR headset.
- NPT: "Committees are fun."
Machine Technical Reports
- [THA] isn't on wheel sad reaccs only.
- [FVP]: Servers are Serving. There's a mysterious machine called gumball that's affecting the email DNS problem due to a misconfiguration.
- To resolve the DNS we need to meet with Kelvin and guild. $10 says nothing will get done.
- Have we gone through certificates for wifi?
- It's written but hasn't been sent yet.
- Push people subscribing to a certain mailing list.
- The certifcate for wifi has issues with CA certificate - [THA]'s looking into it.
- Keyboards have been acting up during starcraft for CY - corey doras. It's a lit keyboard.
- Tom noticed there's issues with either the display port or gpu in cobra - using software rendering.
- Beanie bro left 1.23pm
- Nothing to report.
New equipment
- Are Committe members equipment?
- M i n i o n s.
- Committee members are equipment. Also snaccs.
- Motion to call secretary minion passes for the remainder of the meeting.
Drinks and Snacks
- [042] forgot to get a reciept.
- $162.18 for snacccccs. Motion to reimburse and give them snack money $5.
- Motion passes.
- Regulation checking ensues.
External Entities
- [042] checked the mail.
- Mega SOC meat - ing. Steaks were high.
- Hasn't been a soc meeting since then.
- Guild is a pain.
- Before O Day is next meeting.
- Guild finance was fine with everything
Other Affairs
Uncharity Vigil
- Early Feb. People want advertsisng before the summer break. We need a provision sub committee and reps as soon as possible - most of the reps will be away but james and alden are keen beans.
- Cameron hall is a charity case. We needa organise just eventy things - could literally be an email and some chill but honestly with the state cameron hall meetings go there'll be tears at least once.
- Volunteers aren't a thing.
- 30 second recess.
Vive Nights[Cancelled]
Artemis LAN
- Nothing happened.
Cameron Hall-oween
- Everything approved.
- [LCY]: "The ball is no longer in our park".
- Jasmine Sullivan loves a good event plug.
44th Anniversary Dinner (2018-10-20)
- Wait til Zack shows up before getting information. Alden is a good salesman.
- Felix wants common sense details. E.g. Buyer name, amount, payent method, pickup time.
Action Items from 2018-10-17
Committee: Write draft group admission/application guidelines.
- Jasmine Sullivan Left 1.48pm
- Zack was apparently pretty keen. Assuming he's not doing high performance computing.
[CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- Zac was setting up the technical side of the committee handover - we control cameron hall. We need an area where we can put everything for handover and as a general archive.
[CFE] Continue writing camp network documentation.
- Camp has already been booked. Does anyone want to look at venues for camp? Aldin and felix will research.
- We will need to communicate wirh unigames for research about the camp.
- We don't want next year's committee involved with camp.
- NOTE: This is due to our lack of faith that they would be able to get everything done - it's not a job we feel we should pass on and it's our responsibility to make the changeover as smooth as possible.
[CFE] Make sure Charity Vigil financial matters are resolved.
- [FVP] Find suitable USB-C chargers to purchase. [Not Done]
- [FVP] Investigate options for new monitors. [Not Done]
- [FVP] Add [TBB] and [DIE] to door. [Probably not done]
- [CHB] Facilitate discussions about machine room renovations. ongoing
- [THA] Print spec cards for machines. [Almost done]
- [THA] Figure out how to best install/fix Steam on Linux desktops. ongoing
- [THA] Send email to tech@ and order power supply for Cichlid. [probably not done I was eating lasagna]
General Business
- Jas makes good points - there're clear issues with the consitution
- firstly interpretation (committee members cannot be held accountable for their actions through the constitution as they are fit to interpret it however they please)
- and also its bits of history left in (e.g. 1975).
- Transition Period is 1st July 2019.
- Tom will take first look at consitution. Then will run it past Jas and [042], then we'll approve it at the AGM.
- People like tampons. Club will keep a box potentially. No condoms.
- If we provide resources to people we need to make sure they're not abused. Teatowels and cups will go missing. Paper towels are going to be too high a cost. I just want coffee from the vending machine but I always forget my keep cup.
- Uncharity vigil reps - MPT and CHB.
Meeting closed at: 2.05pm
Current Action Items
- Committee: Write draft group admission/application guidelines.
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- [CFE] Continue writing camp network documentation.
- [CFE] Make sure Charity Vigil financial matters are resolved.
- [FVP] Find suitable USB-C chargers to purchase.
- [FVP] Investigate options for new monitors.
- [FVP] Add [TBB] and [DIE] to door.
- [CHB] Facilitate discussions about machine room renovations.
- [THA] Print spec cards for machines.
- [THA] Figure out how to best install/fix Steam on Linux desktops.
- [THA] Send email to tech@ and order power supply for Cichlid.
Minutes uploaded by [???] at 17:20 on 2018-10-24