
filename: '2024-08-1.md' committee_year: 2024

University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-07-25

Next meeting time

  • 8am Thursday 8th August

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions


  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member


Start Time

  • 8:07

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Not here.

Vice President's Report

  • helped with club carnival
  • other random stuff idk

Secretary's Report

  • Helped out at Club Carnival.
  • typed on a weird keyboard!!!!
    • it flashes
    • feels like part of eye is gone
    • migrane??

Treasurer's Report

  • Not here.

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Club Carnival (A lot of new sign-ups, really successful!).

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • Not here.
  • [DOC]

    • Went to the busy bee
    • Got door trained (yippee)
    • Sort of kinda went to club carnival (was at uni as backup if needed)
    • Amended the 50th dinner ticket booking page to include child tickets
    • Worked on stickers for the 50th dinner
      • About 65% done
  • [LHP]

    • Went to busy bee.
    • Helped out at club carnival.
    • Got quotes for T-shirts.
    • Got door trained (again).
    • Went to Cam Hall Quiz Meeting.

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • In progress...
  • [SEB] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

    • [BLU] is taking over.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • Not here.
  • [BLU], [ROY] to update Fresher Guide and Flyers.

    • Done.
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • In progress.
  • [ROY], [BLU] will finish flyers and booklets by Friday to get them to UniPrint.

    • Not done :(
  • [LHP] will see where CFC gets their screen printed shirts.

    • Done!
  • [SEB] will poll for interest in shirts.

    • Not done.
  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

    • Not here.
  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

    • In progress.
  • [BLU] will send Busy Bee reminder mentioning Door Training.

    • Done.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • One of our keyboards has a broken spacebar.

    • Robotics club is taking custom orders for keyboards, we could look into getting some.
    • Could maybe have custom designs??
    • Could be a good idea for club collaboration.
  • [SEB] is in the process of installing FreeBSD on a clubroom machine.

    • "We need a UNIX box"


  • NFS issues once again strikes down one of the servers.
  • turns out we can reboot from IPMI and that fixes it in the short term
  • However, there is an update for NFS which could potentially fix it.



New Equipment

External Entities


  • Not checked.


  • [GPO] went to SOCPAC meeting.
    • Nothing interesting happened.


  • Tenancy inspection was supposed to happen during club carnival.
    • It did not happen.

Other Entities


  • [I2N] and [MCW] have been removed from Westpac.

CSSE department


Past Events

Club Carnival

  • Great success!!!!!!!!

  • Many sign ups.

  • [SVN] the GOAT.

  • Ran out of flyers and sign up sheets.

    • Probably at least 30.
  • Need to put new members into MemberDB.

UWAES x UCC Online Games Night

  • It happened.
  • Some people went (but not anyone currently here).

Confirmed Events

Sem2 Welcome

  • Happening tomorrow!
  • [SEB] moves to budget $200 for pizza. (maximum)
    • Unanimous.
  • [KKZ] will probably run it.

Artemis LAN

  • August 17th.
  • No further info.

Cam Hall Quiz Night

  • Tav has been booked !
  • Decrease budget back down from $60 to $50 as we now have UWASCA.
  • Keep it for $60 for now.
  • We need member count for UCC for SPG.
    • [KKZ] will find out how many active memberships we have for 2024.

50th Anniversary Dinner

  • [edit] [NTU] and [BOB] suggested pre-event mingling time/clubroom visiting on 2024-09-21

    • Committee probably wouldn't be able to attend because we'd be setting up.
  • [edit] For some other day, [NTU] and [BOB] suggested use of an occasional liquor license via UWA Security&Parking

    • If it's BYO we wouldn't have to pay.
    • Could have a BYO event at some point after the dinner.
    • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.
  • Would be nice to have something to make people mingle (new+old).

    • Maybe a table quiz.

50th Anniversary Merchandise

  • T-Bizz printing (Ozbourne Park)

  • With circuit prints (4 prints total), no sleeve print.

    • 1 to 10 units @ 45$ + GST each
    • 11 to 30 units @ 42$ + GST each
    • 31 to 50 Units @ 36.25$ + GST each
  • Without circuit prints (only front chest and back print), no sleeve print.

    • 1 to 5 units @ 45$ + GST each
    • 6 to 10 units @ 35$ + GST each
    • 11 to 30 Units @ 30$ + GST each
    • 31 to 50 Units @ 26.75 + GST each
    • 51 + Units @ 24.25$ + GST each
  • Small business so a little expensive. We should probably look into bigger companies.

    • But they have a short turnaround time.
  • [GPO] has contacted previous printers we used.

    • Have yet to hear back.
  • [LHP] will get a quote for a polo with embroidered UCC logo on the front.

  • Need to finalise sticker designs and numbers.

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • Do we have recurring EMP for Tech Talks?

    • No.
    • We don't necessarily need to have one if it's in the clubroom.
    • Since it's super simple they can probably approve it quickly.
  • People at Club Carnival asked about running another intro to Linux.

    • Would be good to run one in very basics, could advertise it through lecture bashing.
    • Just very basic stuff like intro to using command line, etc.
    • Need to figure out if there is enough time for an EMP.
    • [KKZ] is willing to advertise and help run but is not confident enough to do it on their own.
  • Tom (tombl) running NixOS Tech Talk Week 5

    • Need to figure out specific date.
  • [MPT] will run a Tech Talk on certificates.

    • Week 7?
  • [GPO] could run another 3D printing talk.

    • There was some interest during club carnival.
    • People REALLY liked the whale shark.
  • [GPO] arrives 9:14


  • Had a meeting on Sunday.
  • Not much to report.
  • Everything is pretty much sorted.
  • Have flyers now.
    • QR code dosn't work bcause it's too small.
  • Will be purchasing lanyards and wristbands.

Club Collaboration

Cam Hall Factions Server

  • Gone down in popularity.

UWAES Console Games Night

  • No updates.
  • [KKZ] will ask about it

UWA Robotics Keyboard Workshop

  • Got asked to co-host / advertise it.

Closed Section

  • [GPO] moves to move into a closed section.
    • [SEB] seconds
    • Unanimous.

Door Applications

  • Jasmine Gilbert [JLG]

    • Appointed to door.
  • Leaving closed section.

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon


Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • [SEB] wants a blow up Tux mascot.
    • You can buy one for your own personal enjoyment.

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

  • [BLU] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

  • [SEB] will poll for interest in shirts.

  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

  • [KKZ] will find out how many active memberships we have for 2024.

  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

  • [LHP] will get a quote for a polo with embroidered UCC logo on the front.

  • [KKZ] will ask about UWAES console Night.

End time

  • 9:57