Ordinary General Meeting Agenda Tuesday 23rd October
Committee after the meeting:
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [President]
- [THA] Tom Hill Almeida [Vice President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [042] William Leyland [Secretary]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [LCY] Lo Chien Yi [OCM]
- [MPT] James Arcus [OCM]
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [LCY] Lo Chien Yi [OCM]
- [THA] Tom Hill Almeida [OCM]
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [Ex-President]
- [MPT] James Arcus
- [SBL] Simon Lawrance
- [ACE] Alaura Evans
- [AVO] Aoibhinn O'Shea
- [BFG] Brett Fielding
- [ADL] Alistair Langton
- [LIB] Edward Kammann
- [DAS] Donald Sutherland
- [WAT] Mitchel Phillips
- [BDB] Bradan Beaver
- [LES] Tom Stevens
- [JOC] Jai Castle
- [DJF] Chris Forbes
- [TBB] Alfred Burgess
- [TFD] Timothy Davies
- [042] William Leyland
- [TAY] Taylor Home
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [DIA] Nadia Wichmann
- [SPK] Sheldon Kristianopulos
- [JAS] Jasmine Sullivan
Meeting opened 14:09:26.
Committee reports
President's Report
- The position of President is vacant.
Vice President's Report
- Had the Anniversary Dinner on Saturday, surprisingly good attendance.
- Interesting new regulations.
Secretary's Report
- Reports were pretty short last time, so I'd like to just say a few words.
- We've hit a few rough patches and people keep resigning but overall things are going reasonably well.
- Engagement and attendance at events has been relatively bad, hopefully we can try to fix that for next year.
- New regulations have been implemented since the last General Meeting, things should be a bit more clearly laid out now.
- It is possible (and has been for a while) to take card payments on behalf of UCC.
- Ideally we don't have to deal with paper membership forms next year.
Treasurer's Report
- Absent.
Fresher Rep's Report
- Absent.
OCM Reports
- Long standing action item to print out spec cards for machines.
- I'm pleased to announce that it's basically done, only thing left is to print the cards.
- Cichlid still has a dodgy PSU, will be replaced soon, pending confirmation.
- Helped with Anniversary Dinner, think it went well.
- Nothing to report.
Election of President
- Appointment of returning officers.
- [JWB] I move to appoint [DAS] and [SBL] as returning officers.
- Seconded.
- Motion passes.
- [JWB] I move to appoint [DAS] and [SBL] as returning officers.
- [DAS] explains how the
voting works. - Standing nominations:
- [CHB] Alden Bong
- [THA] Tom Almeida
- [042] nominates himself.
- Seconded.
- [LIB] nominates [GOZ].
- Seconded, declined.
- [ADL] nominates [TAY].
- Seconded, declined.
- [LCY] nominates [FVP].
- Seconded, accepted.
- Candidates give their speeches.
- [CHB]
- This year's committee didn't have much handover, want to make sure that future committees have a decent handover.
- We already have a wiki page, want to set up emails to remind committee where to find other documentation.
- [SPK] arrives 14:34
- This year's committee didn't have much handover, want to make sure that future committees have a decent handover.
- [THA]
- Been a member of the club for just under 2 years, currently an OCM.
- I've noticed that committee meetings tend to run off topic very easily.
- As President I don't want to focus on a particular vision, I want to make sure that committee gets things done efficiently during meetings.
- [042]
- I'm here to provide an alternative if you don't want to vote for any of the other candidates.
- I believe in stocking the fridge (with beef jerky), that's why I come to UCC.
- I've heard the clubroom isn't the most welcoming space, want to talk about how to make it better.
- If you hate everyone then vote for me.
- [FVP]
- I'm the current UCC secretary, been so since march.
- Quite a bit of stuff I want to change:
- UCC should be a place for students to further their interest in computer science and technology, we can do a better job
- More techy events: tech talks, competitions, etc.
- Want to engage the next generation of wheel members
- We should spend some of the term deposit money to make cool things happen - discussion to be had as a committee.
- I want to lead a committee which supports its members, especially door/wheel
- I want UCC to be more involved in the Cameron Hall community, and do more collaborative events with other computing clubs on campus
- Want to increase the diversity of the UCC memberbase, work with members to make clubroom more friendly and welcoming
- [CHB]
- Questions.
- [ACE] In a position of leadership, do you have any experience both mediating and with conflict resolution in both the context of within your committee and in larger organisations (such as interclub events)?
- [CHB] Not much experience with conflict resolution. Everyone has things that they want, so I would focus on getting what intersects done and not push UCC's agenda too hard.
- [THA] No experience mediating with other clubs. My conflict resolution strategy involves trying to obtain a balance, make sure everyone stays calm, figuring out what everyone wants so you can solve all the issues at hand.
- [042] Not as much experience as I'd like, been working in hospitality a lot. Where people want different things you simply evaluate what best benefits the club's interests and then move forward with that.
- [FVP] Not much experience with conflict resolution as such, would ask other people and the internet. I've had experience with interclub events, would like to run more if I get elected.
- [TAY] Are you confident that you can deal with members who are being aggressive or bullying within the club spaces or online, and what specific things would you do?
- [CHB] That behaviour is against the club objectives, this should be clearly communicated, if behaviour continues then steps can be taken according to regulations.
- [THA] I'm pretty confident, most situations only ever escalate if both sides get heated and I can usually stay calm. I'd ask them to stop, if they don't then take appropriate measures (ie. removing from room / event venue), really depends on the situation.
- [042] When it comes to conflict resolution, taking action is important. Suss it out, make sure everyone's happy. Clubs are about community, action should be taken against people who don't contribute to that community (ie. temporary clubroom bans, etc).
- [FVP] I'd first try to talk to the person, ask them to behave appropriately, if not then follow regulations/procedures regarding dealing with that behaviour (ie. calling security, etc. depending on the situation).
- [DJF] If you become President, will you run for the position again next year?
- [CHB] Yes, to make sure the handover works.
- [THA] Yes.
- [042] I'd run, but for a lower position just to make sure handover goes smoothly.
- [FVP] Yes.
- [ACE] Are you in any other committees and would you run for another position in this committee if it became available?
- [CHB] No and no.
- [THA] Currently an OCM for Programming Competition Society (PCS), if [FVP] gets elected then I would most likely run for Secretary.
- [042] Currently on Arts Union Subcommittee and as of next year an OCM for Music Students FacSoc, when I'm not elected President I'll run for any position that I get nominated for.
- [FVP] No other committees, and depending on the positions that are available I might consider running for them (maybe even Secretary).
- [DIA] Do you have experience dealing with being an incorporated body, and have you had experience with this outside of UCC?
- [CHB] It should all be well documented, I have read a lot of documentation in the last few days.
- [THA] I have read the rules for incorporated bodies, I wanted to make sure our recent regulation changes didn't involve stepping on people's toes.
- [042] No idea what an incorporated body even is, let's leave it at that.
- [FVP] I've had a look at how UCC works as an incorporated body, not much else.
- [ADL] What do you think is the purpose of the funds of the club and how much do you think should be kept stored?
- [CHB] I think room renovations are in order, that would remove some of the funds. We want to use the funds to fulfil our objectives, and fulfil as many of those objectives as we can.
- Ideally we keep our funds so that our expenditure matches our revenue.
- [TAY] Does that mean that things should remain approximately where they are now, or how much do you think should be kept?
- [CHB] Probably it is a bit high at the moment, should level out over time.
- [THA] It often feels a little cramped in the room, we will need to replace a few desktops over the next few years.
- I don't see any need for frivolous spending, it's not bad that the club has a large amount of money in storage which can be used as an alternative source of income.
- I don't mind if that amount goes up or down, so long as if it is being spent it is to further the club's objectives.
- [042] Investments in old servers - no. All investments that we make should eventually break even.
- [FVP] I think we have a very large amount of money, we should spend a reasonable portion of it in the next few years and aim spend most if not all of it within the next 10-15 years.
- We can't do that all this year, but we can set precedent for spending money on things which are good for the club on a regular basis.
- Absolute minimum after spending would be around the average for other Cameron Hall clubs.
- [SBL] Clarification: that varies a lot, $4-10k, amount kept depends on what the club needs.
- [THA] UCC probably needs more money than the other clubs, computers aren't cheap.
- Based on my very vague estimations, I'd say we need to spend most of it.
- [JWB] Do you have anything specific in mind, or are you just saying we are spending money for the sake of spending money?
- [FVP] We're in an unusual position for a University club, we can do great things with the money if we plan things properly.
- [CHB] I think room renovations are in order, that would remove some of the funds. We want to use the funds to fulfil our objectives, and fulfil as many of those objectives as we can.
- [ACE] In the scenario of finding important but poorly documented things, how would you approach this problem?
- [CHB] There's an algorithm to do this online: google it, check forums/manuals, ask wheel members, someone probably knows about it, if not then try with the nearest similar thing and try again.
- [THA] First I'd try to contact wheel members, then basically google it.
- [042] I'd ask someone else to help and guide me through it so I can solve similar problems in the future. If all else fails, google and just trying to figure it out myself.
- [FVP] Depending on the type of problem - for tech I'd start looking on the internet, manuals, asking the person who set it up. Procedural things - ask who set it up, ask how it works (contacting them by any means necessary) and then figure it out from there.
- [ACE] In a position of leadership, do you have any experience both mediating and with conflict resolution in both the context of within your committee and in larger organisations (such as interclub events)?
- [JAS] arrives 14:47.
- Candidates leave the room.
- Candidates are called back into the room.
- [DAS] Introducing the new President, Felix.
- Position of Secretary is now vacant.
Election of Secretary
- [TAY] Procedural motion to not require seconds.
- Motion does not pass.
- Nominations for Secretary.
- [ADL] nominates [042], seconded, accepted.
- [LIB] nominates [FVP], seconded, declined.
- [FVP] nominates [THA], seconded, accepted.
- [ACE] nominates [ADL], seconded, declined.
- [LCY] nominates [JWB], seconded, declined.
- [FVP] nominates [LCY], seconded, refused.
- Speeches
- [042] I can use a voice recorder, take minutes, text to speech is fun of course.
- I've never done any secretarying before, not sure what the role is but I am keen to help out.
- [THA] I can type at 130 words per minute with a mechanical keyboard, thank you.
- [042] I can use a voice recorder, take minutes, text to speech is fun of course.
- Questions
- [DIA] Should we read out the role of Secretary... nope it's 7 dot points, never mind.
- [TAY] Which forms of communication / social media are you comfortable using and what would you use?
- [042] I'm comfortable with email, Discord, Facebook, etc and happy to "taylor" [sic] my communications to what is needed/wanted by other people.
- [THA] I would use Facebook, Discord/IRC, email, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, mumble, text messages, etc.
- [ACE] Are there any flaws in the current UCC communication system that you see?
- [042] I don't know, have to make a decision later if I'm elected.
- [THA] Holy f*ck the mailing lists are broken.
- [SBL] Welcoming your new Secretary, [THA]!
- [SBL] Now we have one more election...
Election of OCM
- Nominations
- [TAY] nominates [042], seconded, accepted.
- [ACE] nominates [MPT], seconded, accepted.
- [DJF] nominates [JWB], seconded, declined.
- [LIB] nominates [ACE], seconded, declined.
- [JWB] nominates [TBB], seconded, declined.
- [FVP] nominates [JAS], seconded, declined.
- Speeches
- [DAS] Since [MPT] hasn't spoken yet...
- [MPT]
- Prior committee experience with Photography Club, not in Cameron Hall.
- Interested in making UCC as good as it can be, and would like to see it come to its full potential.
- [042] has nothing to add.
- Questions:
- [JAS] Would you be interested in running for an exec position next year?
- [MPT] Yes, I've got one more year at UWA.
- [042] Yes. [see previous answer above]
- [DIA] Are you on any other committees?
- [MPT] I was OCM on the Photography Club committee, got elected as Vice President but that shouldn't impact on my time.
- [042] (see above)
- [TAY] Specific project or event that you would like to take on?
- [MPT] Interested in helping get the room cleaned up, if money is being spent then I'd be keen to get involved.
- [042] Just want to support committee and contribute to the general maintenance of the club.
- [JAS] Would you be interested in running for an exec position next year?
- [DAS] Congratulate your new OCM, [MPT].
- I believe our job here is done!
- [SBL] goes and sits down.
- Returning officers return proceedings to the chair.
- Vice President resigns.
- [SBL] Motion to accept [JWB]'s resignation.
- Seconded.
- Motion passes.
- [SBL] Motion to accept [JWB]'s resignation.
- [JWB] leaves at 15:10.
- The position of Vice President is now vacant.
Election of Vice President
- Nominations
- [ACE] nominates [MPT], seconded, declined.
- [TAY] nominates [THA], seconded, accepted.
- [DJF] nominates [JWB], seconded, politely declined.
- [FVP] nominates [DJF], seconded, declines.
- [LIB] nominates [ADL], seconded, declines.
- [TBB] nominates [FVP], seconded, declined.
- [FVP] nominates [ACE], seconded, declined.
- [TAY] nominates [GOZ], seconded, declined.
- [CHB] and [CFE] arrive 15:13.
- [DJF] nominates [CFE], seconded, declined.
- [CHB] nominates [LCY], seconded, accepted.
- Speeches
- [LCY] I have no intention of running for committee next year, I respect and like [FVP] but he has some slightly crazy ideas sometimes which need to be kept in check, which I can do.
- Vote for me if I'm your last resort and don't trust anyone else to do that.
- Won't be doing anything anything else otherwise.
- [CHB] Can you keep [FVP] in check?
- [THA] Yes.
- [Will] Probably.
- [LCY] Yes.
- [TFD] Can you keep [FVP] in check as OCM?
- [LCY] Yes, actually.
- [LCY] I have no intention of running for committee next year, I respect and like [FVP] but he has some slightly crazy ideas sometimes which need to be kept in check, which I can do.
- Candidates leave the room.
- Candidates enter the room.
- [DAS] Welcome your new Vice President, [THA].
- [TAY] Also shortest serving Secretary!
- [DAS] Welcome your new Vice President, [THA].
- The position of Secretary is now vacant.
- [MPT] leaves 15:20.
"Election" of Secretary #2
- [DIA] Now would be a good time to read out the constitutional duties of the Secretary. - [DAS] reads out the section of the constitution pertaining to the duties of the Secretary.
- Nominations
- [DIA] nominates [042], seconded, accepted.
- [ACE] nominates [TFD], seconded, denied.
- [AVO] nominates [CHB], seconded, declined.
- [THA] nominates [LCY], seconded, declined.
- [SBL] Since there is only one standing nomination, please welcome your new Secretary, [042]!
- [TAY] congratulates [CFE] on being the only remaining exec still in the original position.
General Business
- [JAS] In terms of updating the UCC constitution, it's hard for incorporated bodies - I have experience working with incorporated bodies so I can work with you.
- [042] As the new secretary who has no idea what they are doing, I would be more than happy to work with you.
- [JAS] I can help to make sure the constitution is compliant with legislation, I am on the governance subcommittee of an organisation which updates its constitution yearly.
- [GOZ] Also consider we should probably rewrite the whole thing, UCC constitution is really old and crummy.
- [DIA] Something I find quite creepy is the requirement to make member details available to other members -
- [GOZ] That's actually part of the information required under law.
- [TAY] How are the new regulations going? Good, bad...?
- [THA] Regarding the regulations which were installed a few weeks ago, there have been some complaints from wheel regarding committee overreaching its powers.
- We will try to reach an amicable conclusion, possibly involving changing the regulations.
- [THA] Regarding the regulations which were installed a few weeks ago, there have been some complaints from wheel regarding committee overreaching its powers.
- [DJF] Can someone please fix the Linux computers so you can use Steam?
- [GOZ] I've figured out how, I have no time!!
- Meeting closed at 15:31:23.
Minutes uploaded by frekk at 18:48 on 2018-11-07