UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-10-03
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [THA] Tom Hill Almeida [OCM]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [President]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [NTU], [LDT], [LLL], [*OX], [thedom102]
- Door members: [DAS], [BJS], [JWB], [THA], [CHB], [GOZ], [CFE], [FVP], [osterguard], [TFD], [AJT], [KAT], [PJA], [DBA], [DJF], [GIR], [JDN], [LDT], [LCY], [DIE], [TPG], [NTU]
- Ex-door members: [TBB], [ROB], [BIG]
Meeting opened at 13:02:21
Confirmation of minutes from 2018-09-26
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Not here.
Vice President's Report
- Nothing to report.
Secretary's Report
- Received notice of [GOZ]'s resignation
- OGM has been organised, see general business.
- TODO: [FVP] Send OGM notification email.
- Nobody else seems to be able to help out for Languages Week stall :'(
- Sent email about Halloween decorations.
- Policies & procedures page has been updated, doctype grahame is awful.
- Checked the mail.
Treasurer's Report
- Accounts:
- Guild: $2970.26
- Mastercard: $77.74
- Cheque: $4120.21
- Paper has arrived from Officeworks, chargers have not.
- Update: Chargers have been refunded, they were out of stock.
- Been doing study.
Fresher Rep's Report
- Made two posters. Yay...
OCM Reports
- [LCY] Facebook post has been made regarding Panto's discounted tickets.
- Cleanup: tables were wiped, de-dusted, a surprisingly large soft drink stain was hidden behind Pinball...
- Also I deep-cleaned one keyboard, only 2 keyboards left that I haven't cleaned properly yet.
- [GIR] arrives at 13:07:32
- [NTU] was the only person who wanted pizza, so no pizza was ordered.
- Advice from [LDT]: don't buy purple methylated spirits, it leaves stains on everything.
- Committee is in consensus that the one remaining bottle is leaking.
- Cleanup: tables were wiped, de-dusted, a surprisingly large soft drink stain was hidden behind Pinball...
- [THA] I have the specs for all desktops apart from Catfish, all that is missing is the actual cards to put specs on.
- My daemon to run on all the computers is almost complete.
- [CHB] found Artemis, planning to test Artemis when there aren't 2 assessments.
Machine Technical Reports
- Still serving.
- Net is working.
- Cobra's screen intermittently fails to power on, seems unrelated to the graphics card being unseated.
- Christmas' mouse and keyboard also exhibits intermittent dodginess.
New equipment
- Paper.
Drinks and Snacks
- Snack machine has been filled, we have no leftover solo.
- [GIR] might be able to do a snack/drinks run tomorrow.
External Entities
- No mail.
- No Guild. Still no minutes from latest SOC meeting.
- [LCY] went to the Tenancy busybee meeting.
- If you smell something funny around Unigames, it's probably the pest exterminators.
Other Affairs
- EEEWA event was shared on Facebook.
- Still haven't received the transport bill from Electrolux.
- Panto is offering half price tickets to UCC members for their show over the next few days.
Vive Nights
- [GIR] and [CFE] are busy, [JWB] doesn't want to do it, no EMP has been submitted.
- Thursday nights might work better than Wednesdays for committee's availability.
Charity Vigil
- Followup meeting on Sunday 4pm, [GOZ] is presumed to be attending.
Artemis LAN
- We have a bridge license supporting up to 6 people for a single ship.
- Located in /home/other/committee/
- Minutes of their purchase
Cameron Hall-oween
- Money for online ticket sales to be deposited into UCC account.
- Posters have gone up.
- TODO: [FVP] send Halloween email.
- TODO: [GIR] make Facebook event.
Relay for Life
- No news from [LLL].
44th Anniversary Dinner (2018-10-20)
- [LCY] hasn't spoken to Hayden yet about menu.
- Food will be produced in the Tav kitchen, they will produce a custom menu based on our budget ($20 pp)
- TODO: [LCY] Get a draft menu for the event.
- Posters have gone up, thanks [GIR] and [LCY].
- Decide on exact activities & format of auction for serial terminals.
- [FVP] has already sent email saying that they will be auctioned at the Anniversary Dinner.
- A number of members were quite interested in them.
- The terminals which we are intending to keep are labelled "keep", the rest are candidates for auction.
- [JWB] Auction the Lego Mindstorms?
- TODO: Determine which things are up for auction after meeting.
- Bar tab:
- Suggestion is to have an intial amount on the tab with a predetermined maximum, depending on finances.
- Matching people dollar-for-dollar as they put money on the tab.
- TODO: [CFE] Figure out where we are with spending this year.
Study Events for all CITS units
- Thursday 11th October, 4-6pm.
- Tutors have been found, more volunteers are welcome.
- [JWB] is happy to lecture bash, given times and locations of lectures.
- I'd like A4 or A5 handouts.
- UEC is probably able to buy pizza for the event.
Tech talks
- First talk on Tuesday.
- It went well, thanks [*OX] for coming in.
Language Week Stall
- Tuesday 16th October 12-2pm, set up a little earlier.
- "Passport" stamps and other equipment will be provided by Language week people.
- Volunteer assistants needed.
- [FVP] will be there.
Busybee (Saturday 29/09/2018)
- Apologies from [DAS], [BJS], [JWB], [THA], [CHB], [GOZ], [CFE], [FVP], [osterguard], [TFD], [AJT], [KAT], [PJA], [DBA], [DJF], [GIR]
- Remaining door members: [TBB], [LCY], [ROB], [BIG], [JDN], [LDT], [TPG], [NTU], [ROB]
- Attendeed: [JDN], [LDT], [LCY], [DIE], [TPG], [NTU]
- Door members who did not apologies: [TBB], [ROB], [BIG]
- [JWB] Motion to remove [TBB], [ROB] and [BIG] from door for failure to send apologies.
- [LCY] seconds.
- Motion passes with 6 committee members in favour, 2 absent.
- [JWB] As an afterthought, the email for the cleanup was not sent to door@ and instead to ucc-announce@ - should people really be removed if they didn't see the email?
- As a note for future cleanups, send a notification email to door@.
- On further note, the members who were removed were indeed subscribed to ucc-announce@.
Action Items from 2018-09-26
- Book camp at Camp Leschenaultia for 19th to 22nd July 2019 - not done.
- Ask Camp Lesch to install some eyelets.
- Facilitate a meaningful connection between the different clubs involved in the study event - done.
- Implement committee handover documentation archive - in progress.
- Continue writing camp network documentation - in progress.
- Buy Comsol chargers from Officeworks - ongoing.
- Need to find some other chargers.
- Buy stickers for 3D printer - done.
- Waiting for them to arrive.
- Investigate options for new monitors.
- Confirm booking of the Tav for 20th October & Tav catering - not done.
- Action item transferred to [LCY].
- Add Relay for Life to Cerberus - done.
- Halloween subcommittee:
- Send email about halloween decorations & volunteer assistants (RSA / First Aid / Event Managers) - sort of done.
- Organise study event with UCC, PCS, CSSC and UEC - in progress.
- Organise language week stall - in progress.
- Would like some more volunteer assistants.
- Update UCC website "Policies and Procedures" page - done.
- Make a poster for CITS study session - done.
- Talk to [thedom102] about repeated doorings - not done.
- Contact potential Relay for Life participants and get them interested - not done.
- Go to the Tav and confirm the Anniversary Dinner booking - ongoing.
- Facilitate discussions about machine room renovations. ongoing
- Submit EMP for Anniversary Dinner in person as hardcopy. ongoing
- Finish inventorying and make spec cards for machines - almost done.
- Talk with [GOZ] about how best to install Steam on Linux desktops - ongoing.
General Business
- Organise second OGM for the year.
- [FVP] "Final call for resignations!"
- Booked for Tuesday 23rd October 14:00 in GCRM.
- EMP has been submitted.
- Notice should be displayed on Cerberus.
- Ratify recent Wheel Group additions: [FVP], [333] and [LE@].
- [FVP] would motion to approve wheel group additions but has a conflict of interest.
- Note: By regulation, an absolute majority of committee must vote in favour for door/wheel appointments/removals.
- [JWB] Since [FVP] was not officially voted in by committee before nominating [333] and [LE@], those nominations are invalid.
- [FVP] The wheel nomination / approval process has happened anyway, and with the new regs we may consider that wheel has been consulted and no objections have been raised.
- [LCY] Motion to ratify [FVP]'s addition to wheel.
- [THA] seconds.
- Motion passes with 5 committee members in favour, 1 abstains, 2 absent.
- [LCY] Motion to ratify [LE@]'s addition to wheel.
- [FVP] seconds.
- Motion passes with 5 committee members in favour, 1 abstains, 2 absent.
- [JWB] Motion to ratify [333]'s addition to wheel.
- [CFE] seconds.
- Motion passes with 5 committee members in favour, 1 abstains, 2 absent.
- [JWB] Chairs
- New chairs have been on the wishlist for ages.
- The link to new chairs on the wiki is now broken.
- We should probably investigate the possibility of buying new chairs.
- TODO: [JWB] Investigate possibility of buying new chairs.
- [LCY] Motion to ratify all committee discussions between 13:00 and 14:00.
- [THA] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [JWB] How's the Square payment thing going?
- [FVP] I need to work on it a bit more, fiddle with hardware etc.
- [JWB] Basic requirements are:
- Needs to be permanently plugged into a charger
- Permanently secured in some manner.
Meeting closed at 14:40:26 - only an hour and 40 minutes!
Current Action Items
- Committee: Determine which things are up for auction after meeting.
- [GOZ] Book camp at Camp Leschenaultia for 19th to 22nd July 2019 & ask to install eyelets.
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- [CFE] Continue writing camp network documentation.
- [CFE] Buy USB-C chargers.
- [CFE] Investigate options for new monitors.
- [CFE] Figure out where we are with spending this year.
- [FVP] Organise study event with UCC, PCS, CSSC and UEC.
- [FVP] Organise language week stall..
- [FVP] Send Halloween party email.
- [FVP] Send OGM notification email.
- [LCY] Talk to [thedom102] about repeated doorings.
- [LCY] Contact potential Relay for Life participants and make them interested.
- [LCY] Follow up with Anniversary Dinner booking & organise menu.
- [CHB] Facilitate discussions about machine room renovations.
- [CHB] Follow up with Anniversary Dinner EMP.
- [THA] Finish inventorying and make spec cards for machines.
- [THA] Talk with [GOZ] about how best to install Steam on Linux desktops.
- [JWB] Investigate possibility of buying new chairs.
Minutes uploaded by frekk at 15:38 on 2018-10-05