UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-08-15
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [President]
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [NTU] Nick Bannon
- [AJT] Alex Thatcher
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [TBB], [BOB], [LDT], [TFM], [laptop], [BIG], [DAA], [dadams], [aurora]
- Jasmine of Unigames
- UWAnime
- Camp Leschenaultia
Meeting opened at 13.04
Confirmation of minutes from 2018-08-08
- Nothing wrong with last minutes.
Committee Reports
President's Report
- [Screams in LaTeX]
- Still writing same paper as last time.
- Nothing else to report.
Vice President's Report
- Reinstalled Cobra as Linux.
- SOE instructions don't work for Mint 19, [CFE] got it working eventually.
- Went to Charity Vigil meeting.
- Open day went well, things were a bit messed up with the Vive to start with but it worked out.
- Discussion continues about lighting conditions and positioning of sensors.
- Accidentally typed
ping mooneye
into IRC.
Secretary's Report
- Checked the mail, we have no mail.
- Went to Cameron Hall-oween meeting, more details later.
- Open day was fun
- Brought my Toshiba T1000 and it went well, using [NTU]'s RGB monitor.
- Space invaders was played at least 50 times.
- Organised OGM on the Tuesday 21st August, 13:00.
- TODO: [FVP] Book Guild Council Meeting Room.
- Sent out parts list for Porcupine upgrade.
Treasurer's Report
- Accounts:
- Guild: 2970.26
- Mastercard: 81.23
- Cheque: 6322.76
- Some more things will be paid shortly.
- waves around long receipts left over from camp
- Camp food total was $572.85.
- [GOZ] Motion to retroactively endorse spending of camp food.
- [JWB] Let's not do this again next year.
- [CHB] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [GOZ] Motion to retroactively endorse spending of camp food.
- Receipts:
- Camp snacks + some extra hot dog rolls, total was $359.28.
- [GOZ] Motion to retroactively approve camp snack spending and reimburse [FVP].
- [CHB] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [GOZ] Motion to retroactively approve camp snack spending and reimburse [FVP].
- [TBB] bought a couple of packets of CR2032 batteries.
- [GOZ] Motion to reimburse [TBB] $7.98 for batteries.
- [JWB] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [GOZ] Motion to reimburse [TBB] $7.98 for batteries.
- Camp snacks + some extra hot dog rolls, total was $359.28.
Fresher Rep's Report
- No fresher rep.
OCM Reports
- [CHB] More info needed to get quotes / information for venues.
Machine Technical Reports
- Maltair is definitely still very dead.
- [BOB] managed to find a part on the motherboard matching the description in (the article)[https://support.lenovo.com/au/en/solutions/ht118532].
- Should we look into getting a replacement some time soon?
- [FVP] We should discuss replacing Maltair (suggested budget $1000).
- [FVP] We want at least a replacement "motherboard" (ie. compatible base system to which we can just swap bits with).
- [GOZ] Replacement of Maltair is not urgent.
- [GOZ] Better to approve any spending by circular if something pops up on eBay / auction.
- [CFE] has a Dell R710 server at home, may be able to sell it to the club.
- [CFE] and [FVP] are trying to figure out the best way to fix Samba / samson / sampa / AD.
- [CFE] had to restore samson from backup, one account got broken but it has all been fixed now. (Secretary's note: at least 2 accounts were broken, 2 fixed so far.)
script warns about bad password quality but the actual error was completely different.
- CSS on
seems broken? - [GOZ] I fixed the authentication problem affecting my account!
- Working.
- Cobra is now Linux.
- Cichlid's disks were completely full!
- [GOZ] deleted a bunch of games from C: and found a Recycle Bin on D: which was 250+GB, which was also deleted.
- [FVP] emailed out parts list for Porcupine rebuild, to be discussed later.
New equipment
- 3D printer has now been opened and partially assembled.
Drinks and Snacks
- [GOZ] can do a snack run on Saturday?
- [GIR] can also drive.
- [NTU] points out that both [BIG] and himself can drive and can do snack runs.
External Entities
- No mail.
- SOC meeting tonight.
- [JWB] can attend on behalf of UCC.
- [GOZ] will also be there for PCS.
Other Affairs
- Electrolux still has our aircon, no actual news.
- [GOZ] Events in general - the Facebook group is too large, not possible for event creator to invite everyone in the group.
- Cutoff is around 500 members.
- [NTU] Tools exist to scrape events from Facebook, which could be used to keep non-Facebook people up to date.
- [GOZ] Suggestion: cull members from group.
- TODO: [JWB] Figure out how to fix Facebook group.
- [GOZ] Flame was running until not that long ago, that was a great "social network".
Vive Nights
- On tonight, so far decent reception on Facebook.
- [FVP] We should do emails about these as well.
- [JWB] Loft has been booked, EMP has been submitted.
Sysadmin "Tech-talk" workshop
- With Maltair dead, we probably can't use the original plan for this event (each attendee having their own event).
- Still deferred. (Secretary's note: awaiting further interest / time).
- Invoices will be paid very soon.
- TODO: [CFE] Write camp network docs.
- TODO: [FVP] Write other docs.
- [GOZ] wants the committee docs (including camp docs) to be web-accessible in some form.
Nostalgia Night (11-08-2018)
- Facebook notifications were generally dodgy, nobody seemed to know about it.
- Thanks to [TFM], [LDT], [FVP] and [laptop] for attending.
Charity Vigil
- Some complaints about subcommittee regulations, modifications have been discussed but have not been provided to committee.
- This will have to be discussed next week.
- [GOZ] I am of the opinion that our reps, [JWB] and myself (who was absent from the last meeting), are capable of making this decision.
- TODO: [GOZ] Ensure subcommittee regulations can be published and publish them accordingly.
- Event shall be held Saturday 22nd September.
- Wine Appreciation Club wanted to be involved, Jasmine from Unigames is talking to them about it.
Cameron Hall-oween
- Event planning is going well, we are ahead of time.
- Likely to be in CCZ, on the weekend before, on the evening of, or on the weekend after Halloween.
Relay for Life
- UWAnime has signed up for the event, we are in a joint team.
- TODO: [CHB] Contact UWAnime and find out what we need to do.
- [CHB] I will not be attending the event, probably just relaying information.
- [GOZ] We could do a nerd version of this event like Unigames' Roleplay for Life.
- Suggestion: "Relay for Life" with an actual relay controlling power for clubroom / network.
44th Anniversary Dinner
- [CHB] We need to email venues with specific details about the event to get quotes.
- Tentative estimate for number of attendees is 25 people.
- [GOZ] We could run an "Anniversary Sausage Sizzle by the Foreshore" as a very low-effort event.
- [GOZ] Especially considering our doubts about attendance, I recommend that we don't go for a high committment event.
- Options for venues (generally);
- Cheap, low-committment "venue" such as Matilda Bay
- UWA Tavern
- Restaurant / fancy venue
- Quick poll of committee finds that the Tav is unanimously considered a good choice from available options.
- We don't have a ticket price for this event, subject to change depending on choice of venue.
- When: Friday October 5th
- Starting at 6pm with nibbles available.
- Main meal around 7pm.
- Continue until 10pm.
- TODO: [FVP] Contact Tav about bookings and catering.
Open Day (Sunday 12th August)
- Open Day went very well.
- The Vive was popular with small children.
- Notes for next time:
- Indoor area / walled marquee for Vive
- More signs.
- [LDT] started building it already, [AJT] joined in and it didn't quite get finished.
- [GOZ] I believe this event is one that we really should run, so I am willing to bring in my own (yet to be assembled) 3D printer of the same model to assemble during the event.
- Once printer is fully built, then I will pick a date to run the event.
- [LDT] would be able to help run the event.
Action Items from 2018-08-08
- Ask Camp Lesch to install some eyelets.
- Waiting to pay invoice/book at the same time.
- Payment will be made shortly.
- Booking for next year: deposit can be refunded if we cancel booking up to 90 days before.
- Propositional dates: week before end of midyear break (19th to 22nd July 2019).
- [JWB] Camp should be earlier in semester break, if we can book before Unigames then we may get more attendees.
- [AJT] points out that we have a lot of technical setup and that would potentially have to be done during semester.
- Camp leaders can be changed, EMPs can be modified up until the last minute etc.
- Do the paperwork super early so we can start advertising any time.
- TODO: [GOZ] Book camp at Camp Leschenaultia for 19th to 22nd July 2019.
- [FVP] Motion to budget $400 for booking of Camp Leschenaultia.
- [GOZ] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- Send a reply email to Wine Appreciation Society - not done.
- Make facebook event for Vive Nights - done.
- Finalise updated door policy - in progress.
- Implement committee handover documentation archive - not done.
- Reimburse [FVP] $318.34 AUD for 3D printer - done.
- Finish inventorying and make spec cards for machines - not done.
- Pay invoices, including camp lesch - being done.
- [CFE] and [FVP] to write camp documentation - not done.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop for semester 2 - not done.
- Produce specsheet for new porcupine - done.
- Send email about Nostalgia Night to [email protected] - done.
- Make some graphics material for Relay for Life advertising - not done.
- Send emails asking about tech talks - not done.
- Find date for and advertise for OGM - done.
- Coordinate with [JWB] about running CITS first year unit study sessions - not done.
- Make Facebook event for Relay for Life - not done.
- [JWB], [CFE] and [CHB]: investigate possible venues for Anniversary Dinner - done.
General Business
- [CHB] Discuss project bench / moving the machine room
- [FVP] Guild redoing floors at the same time would be handy, but will that ever happen?
- No further news about Cameron Hall comms room.
- [GOZ] I have a lot of input on this and not any time this meeting.
- To be discussed next meeting.
- Joint movie nights with UniSFA
- [FVP] UniSFA can just use UCC as a venue for their existing screenings, it makes sense.
- Committee generally agrees.
- Door applications
- [dadams] David Adams
- [JWB] I propose to add David Adams (not Zanchey) to door.
- [GOZ] seconds.
- Motion passes unaninimously.
- [JWB] I propose to add David Adams (not Zanchey) to door.
- [aurora] Connor Smith-Birch
- Nobody present at the committee meeting knows who [aurora] is.
- Committee recommends that [aurora] gets to know some of committee before applying for door.
- [dadams] David Adams
- [FVP] Joint study events with CSSC - they already run study evenings most nights per week.
- [FVP] Also CSSC has a quiz night coming up, we could promote it through our channels.
- [GOZ] Instead of promoting their event ourselves (which we have no information about) we should just get a couple of UCC tables together to compete at their event.
- Generally speaking we could try to collaborate more with them where possible.
- TODO: [FVP] Contact CSSC about running collaborative study events.
- [FVP] Also CSSC has a quiz night coming up, we could promote it through our channels.
- [GOZ] Consider replacing all the bad keyboards.
- Hasty discussion about types of keyboards, something about "Das", etc.
- [GOZ] leaves at 15:06
- [FVP] Upgrading / replacing porcupine
- [CFE] has not looked at parts list yet.
- Can be approved later by circular.
- Square (not Paypal)
- Committee is in consensus that we should use Square rather than Paypal.
- Using the reader with a committee member's phone is not an option.
- The reader is $59 (available from Officeworks).
- Requires an Android/iOS device, connects via bluetooth, supports contactless/chip cards.
- Flat rate on contactless card transactions is 1.9%, and 2.2% on other transactions (including manually entering card details on app/website).
- [CFE] We should have a device which the reader can be connected to, preferably not a standalone mobile phone, before purchasing the reader.
- TODO: [FVP] Configure device to connect to Square reader.
Meeting closed at 15:21, with a duration of two hours and seventeen minutes.
Current Action Items
- Book camp at Camp Leschenaultia for 19th to 22nd July 2019.
- Ask Camp Lesch to install some eyelets.
- Ensure subcommittee regulations can be published and publish them accordingly.
- Send a reply email to Wine Appreciation Society.
- Finalise updated door policy.
- Figure out how to fix Facebook group and do so.
- Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- Finish inventorying and make spec cards for machines.
- Pay invoices, including camp lesch.
- Write camp network documentation.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop for semester 2.
- Make some graphics material for Relay for Life advertising.
- Send emails asking about tech talks.
- Book Guild Council Meeting Room for OGM.
- Contact CSSC about running collaborative study events.
- Contact Tav about bookings and catering for Anniversary Dinner.
- Write other camp documentation.
- Coordinate with [JWB] about running CITS first year unit study sessions.
- Make Facebook event for Relay for Life.
- Contact UWAnime and find out what we need to do for Relay for Life.
Minutes uploaded by [FVP] at 00:00 on 2018-08-16