UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-07-24
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [President]
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [KAT] C. C. 'Blake' [OCM]
[DAS], [TPG], [AJT], [BJS], [TBB], [DJF], [KAT], [DIE], [MVP]
Meeting opened 10:21
Committee Reports
President's Report
- big things done in the last week:
- network night done with [CFE], went well and everything is setup
- got the standalone modem, because we couldn't quickly aquire a usb modem
- modem was $200, adaptor cables were $50
- camp network works
- [CFE] squid is currently caching the clubroom machines
- cleanup happpened over the weekend
- some stuff was binned
- a number of items were also given to members
- top shelf now contains machines that would make interesting projects to work on, if they don't get used they will be binned/sold
- kept the sgi O2's and some other items including suns that could be valuable
- we should check whether members, or museums want them, and if not try to sell them
- [LCY] arrives 10:24
- lego mindstorms are currently unused, we might be able to do something cool with them
- Haven't written a quiz night for camp yet, we might not have enough attendees to run a quiz night successfully
- [CHB] arrives 10:30
- [GOZ] to be reimbursed $199 for camp modem
- [LCY] motions to reimburse [GOZ] $49.95 for modem cables
- [CHB] seconds
- 4 for 1 abstain
- [CFE] motions to reimburse [GOZ] $56 for pizza run
- [JWB] seconds
- 4 for 1 abstain
- [CFE] motions to reimburse [GOZ] $76.95 for camp SIM
- [JWB] seconds
- 4 for 1 abstain
Vice President's Report
- thought about door policy
- people on door tend to think they stay on door, this is not really a problem
- the problem is trying to attract good new door members
- a lot of people don't want to be on door because they don't think it's beneficial to them
- people are also concerned that committee doesn't effectively support the actions of door members
- [GOZ] we don't have much new blood in door, ignoring committee all the current door members have been at the club for at least 2 years
- [LCY] most people don't want to be on door because they don't need to be since the room is already open most of the time.
- did a weird hacky VHS thingy, ty to goz for equipment
Secretary's Report
- Bought new 3D printer online, should arrive soon
- [GOZ] if it arrives in time we could assemble it on camp
- Missing keys have been found
Treasurer's Report
- Did network night stuff
- Accounts:
- Cheque: $6776.40
- Mastercard: $54.08
- Guild: $2970.26
Fresher Rep's Report
- I'm here
- Freshers are still alive
- RSA is done
OCM Reports
- [LCY] will be going on camp
- nothing else to report
Machine Technical Reports
- serving
- now with more camp
- need a new porcupine
- tom has not had time to quote a build
- [JWB] I want to make one of the windows machines a linux machine again, this would bring us back to a 5/5 split between windows/linux machines
- Cobra would make a good machine to change
- there is a concensus
- projects bench pc is not booting
New equipment
- new modem and adapter cable
- negative old stuff
Drinks and Snacks
- need to do a camp snack run
External Entities
- Not checked
- Nothing to report
Other Affairs
- UWAnime has approved a new access point for their clubroom
Busybee 21/07/2018
- Apologies from [DAS], [TPG], [AJT], [BJS], [TBB], [DJF], [KAT]
- Door members to be removed [DIE], [MVP]
Movie nights
- Started up again
Vive Nights
- Will will be starting them up again next week
Sysadmin "Tech-talk" workshop
- Transport
- [GOZ] will take JWB to do a food run
- [GOZ] will also have a second car of equipment taken up
- [GIR] can also provide transport
- [RME] has offered to provide a trailer to anyone with a suitable car
- [TRS] can help transport equipment but he would like to load his car on thursday before camp
- [LCY] will help pack equipment for [LCY]
- [FVP] has his dad's van
- [GIR] leaves 11:27
- [KAT] can no longer attend camp for the full duration,
- [CFE] and [GIR] will arrive first to setup network/power
- packing list made and sent to committee
Action Items from 2018-07-17
- [GOZ] to buy a modem for camp done
- [JWB] Investigate replacing locks.
- don't need to anymore, missing keys recovered
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive. ongoing
- [CFE] Chase up [LDT] and ask about Windows licenses. done by [GOZ]
- [FVP] Do Food Safety Training.
- [FVP] Update the Camp wiki page. done
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop for semester 2 - deferred.
- [KAT] and [CFE]: Print cards for machine specs and clubroom rules. deferred
- [LCY] Write an EMP for Nostalgia Night (11-08-2018), submit it and book the loft. nearly done
- [FVP], [CFE], [JWB] and [CHB] to promote Camp via social circles. done
- [JWB], [LCY] and [CHB]: Continue discussing door policy reviews. ongoing
- Committee: Everyone with RSA or Food Safety certificates, please send them to [CFE]. ongoing
General Business
- No general business.
Meeting closed 12:06.
Minutes uploaded by [FVP] at 12:57 on 2018-07-31