UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-07-17
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [President]
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [KAT] C. C. 'Blake' [OCM]
[DAA], [BOB], [LDT]
Meeting opened 10:20
Committee Reports
President's Report
- ordered an 100GB ovo sim for $70 + $7 shipping for camp
- presidents summit happened, was too sick to attend, but wa present via chat
- significant upcoming events that were mentioned:
- charity vigil
- [GOZ] happy to be a club representative
- halloween party
- [FVP] and [GIR] to reprensent the club
- relay for life
Vice President's Report
- thought about door policy, proposed a few changes
- added policy on short term doorings
- changed cleanup policy to require that door members must attend at least 2 cleanups instead of requiring attendance at all cleanups -This could cause issues with insufficent attendance at cleanups and will need to be discussed more.
- changed first question to "have you read the door policy?"
- Account balance question now asks for the balance of 'justwilliambrown'
- reworded line about welcoming visitors to the club
- added a line about the presentability of door members
- added a line saying 'committee should support the actions of door members'
Secretary's Report
- Going to Kalgoorlie this week, have fun without me!
- Made Facebook event for busybee & sent reminder email.
- Not done food safety training... yet.
[CHB] arrives 10:32
Treasurer's Report
- accounts:
- guild: $2970.26
- mastercard: $54.06
- cheque: $5316.76
Fresher Rep's Report
- absent
OCM Reports
- nothing to report
Machine Technical Reports
- new server monitoring/control system thanks to [DAA]
- net working
External Entities
- not checked
- next soc meeting 15th Aug
- cleanup this weekend
Other Entities
- bookshelf
Busybee 21/07/2018
- UWA currently has e-waste bins on campus
Movie nights
- movie nights are now running again on thursdays at 6:30
Vive Nights
- will likely be running vive nights on tues/thurs
Sysadmin "Tech-talk" workshop
- Will have [GOZ]'s vive to use at camp as well as the club vive
- we have 2 qualified rsa's for camp
- SIM has been purchased, see presidents report
- should remind people that today is the last day to get cheap tickets
- network night is tomorrow, [CFE], [JWB] and [GOZ] will be present
- SIM is in the post, hopefully it will arrive by tomorrow
- we still have [BOB]'s usb modem
- the club currently doesn't have its own modem, we should by a new one
- options are a usb modem for ~$40 or ~$200 for a standalone modem/router
- [LCY] leaves the room
- [GOZ] motions to budget $50 to buy a usb modem for camp
- [JWB] seconds
- passes unanimously
- [GOZ] motions $220 to budget to buy a netgear lb2120 if required as a backup plan for camp
- [CHB] seconds
- passes unanimously
- [GOZ] motions to budget $50 to buy a usb modem for camp
- transport
- [GOZ] can take 2 carloads of stuff to camp and food run
- [LCY] returns 11:36
- [JWB] motion's to reimburse [GOZ] $84 for pizza at the previous cleanup
- [CFE] seconds
- passes with 4 for, 1 abstain
- [CFE] motions to rimbuse [LCY] 2.89 for paper towels/tissues
- [GOZ] seconds
- passes with 4 for, 1 abstain
Action Items from 2018-07-10
- [GOZ] Make nice camp handbook.
- not needed, not happening
- [JWB] Investigate replacing locks.
- need to inform tenancy
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- in progress
- [CFE] Chase up [LDT] and ask about Windows licenses.
- not done
- [FVP] Send more emails and make a Facebook event for busybee.
- done
- [FVP] Do Food Safety Training.
- [FVP] Update the Camp wiki page.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop for semester 2 - deferred.
- [KAT] and [CFE]: Print cards for machine specs and clubroom rules.
- not done
- [LCY] Write an EMP for Nostalgia Night (11-08-2018), submit it and book the loft.
- not done
- [FVP], [CFE], [JWB] and [CHB] to promote Camp via social circles.
- ongoing
- [JWB], [LCY] and [CHB]: Continue discussing door policy reviews.
- ongoing
- Committee: Everyone with RSA or Food Safety certificates, please send them to [CFE].
- ongoing
General Business
- no general business
Meeting closed 11:43
Current Action Items
- [GOZ] to buy a modem for camp
- [JWB] Investigate replacing locks.
- need to inform tenancy
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- [CFE] Chase up [LDT] and ask about Windows licenses.
- [FVP] Do Food Safety Training.
- [FVP] Update the Camp wiki page.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop for semester 2 - deferred.
- [KAT] and [CFE]: Print cards for machine specs and clubroom rules.
- [LCY] Write an EMP for Nostalgia Night (11-08-2018), submit it and book the loft.
- [FVP], [CFE], [JWB] and [CHB] to promote Camp via social circles.
- [JWB], [LCY] and [CHB]: Continue discussing door policy reviews.
- Committee: Everyone with RSA or Food Safety certificates, please send them to [CFE].
Minutes uploaded by [FVP] at 09:26 on 2018-07-20