UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-06-01
- [GOZ] Andrew Gozzard [President]
- [CFE] Zack Wong [Treasurer]
- [FVP] Felix von Perger [Secretary]
- [CHB] Alden Bong [OCM]
- [LCY] Chien Yi Lo [OCM]
- [TFM] Thomas Miller
- [PJA] Peter Allnutt
- [ROB] Robert Hortin
- [JWB] William Chesnutt [Vice President]
- [GIR] Caira Bayman [Fresher Rep]
- [KAT] C. C. 'Blake' [OCM]
- Will be absent from 21/05/2018 to 6/06/2018 (see previous minutes)
- [BOB] Andrew "Bob" Adamson
- Chris, UWA IEEE president
- [LE@] Elliot Nunn
- [TRS] James Andrewartha
- [MTL] Mark Tearle
- [TBB] Alfred Burgess
- [BJS] Sam Benson
Meeting opened at 16.07
Confirmation of minutes from 2018-05-25
- [JWB] doesn't like the lack of detail on the email to [BOB].
- There was no mention of sending a warning to [BOB].
- [GOZ] has since sent emails to wheel@ to clarify policy issues and to [BOB] to clarify the warning.
- The consensus of the committee was to send a warning to [BOB].
- No other issues.
Committee Reports
President's Report
- Not a lot to report.
- Spoke to various people including Chris, president of UWA IEEE.
- [GIR] arrives at 16:08.
Vice President's Report
- Absent, report delivered later.
- Considered door policy.
- Had an interesting discussion with [LE@] about the BeBoxen on Monday night.
Secretary's Report
- Sent an email to [BOB]. LOL.
- Looked into RFID cards.
- [JWB] arrives at 16:09.
- We might get a free "Wow Pack" from https://info.madebyoomph.com/
- Nope, sadly they charge £20 shipping for postage outside the UK.
- Sent a bunch of other requests to companies asking for quotes.
- Probably around $2-3 AUD per card for low volumes (minimum order would be probably be around 50-100 cards)
- Talked to [TRS] about wifi after last meeting.
- See section New Equipment below.
- Multifunction printers
- Minimum price for something decent (colour laser printer + scanner with feeder) would be around $400
- Price increases further if you buy it from a reputable source (online) - around $600
- Something like Brother MFC-9340CDW might be suitable. ($597 from Harvey Norman)
- Probably not worth it. We already have a working printer.
- Checked the mail on Thursday.
Treasurer's Report
- Accounts:
- Cheque:
- Mastercard:
- Guild: Same as it always is.
- Grants have been submitted.
- Need to reimburse [BOB] $209.99 for new SSD
- [CFE] Motion to reimburse [BOB] $209.99 for new SSD.
- [JWB] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [CFE] Motion to reimburse [BOB] $209.99 for new SSD.
- I also now have time to actually do things, yay
Fresher Rep's Report
- Freshers are still happy.
OCM Reports
- [KAT] is absent.
- [CHB] has nothing to report.
- [LCY] has nothing to report.
Machine Technical Reports
- [CFE] Broken things are still broken, working things are still working.
- [GOZ] It's UCC, it takes an unfathomable amount of effort to fix.
- Nothing new.
- New SSD for Pinball is still on its way, [BOB] will be reimbursed for it once it arrives.
New equipment
- Upgrade 802.11 infrastructure
- [TRS] recommends the following:
- 2 x Ubiquiti Unifi AC Lite AP - $119.00 AUD
- 1 x Ubiquiti Unifi nanoHD - $279.00 AUD
- Total $517.00 AUD
- [GOZ] agrees with recommendations of [TRS].
- [JWB] It seems a bit steep.
- [PJA] The club shouldn't necessarily be spending money to provide services outside the clubroom.
- [TFM] Perhaps we should remove our services outside the clubroom to draw people back into the room.
- Committee is not in full agreement that we should do a full upgrade.
- [GOZ] Should we discuss with other committees to see if they would be willing to contribute to the upgrade cost?
- TODO: [GOZ] to discuss with other clubs to gauge interest in wifi upgrades.
- [FVP] Motion to budget $300.00 to buy a UniFi nanoHD.
- [GOZ] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [TRS] recommends the following:
- [GOZ] unhappily realises that we now have an additional Silicon Graphics box on the shelf.
Drinks and Snacks
- Nothing to report.
External Entities
- Nothing came in the mail.
- Next SOC meeting is coming up soonish.
- [GOZ] If we can't send anyone to this meeting then we need to make sure we send apologies.
Other Affairs
- [FVP] Called PABX supervisor on 2377.
- Last call was from Andrew Gozzard, then UCC Vice President, in 2014
- Confirmed that contact details are up to date
- Confirmed that the UWA standard pricing scheme is the only option available for UWA internal landlines ($22/month, unknown but fixed call rates)
- Suggest getting club smart/dumb mobile with a cheap plan like Amaysim $10/year
- Asked about passwords on outgoing calls; no system to implement this seems to be currently in place according to the PABX people.
- So, about the phone.
- [JWB] It's f***ing useful.
- [TFM] Easy to call security.
- [GOZ] The phone is very convenient to have.
- [JWB] Realistically, we pay that money so that we don't have to think about it. And it works.
- [GOZ] If we weren't automatically billed for it, it would probably die out.
- [GOZ] The treasurer, [CFE], does not complain about it, so it can't be significant.
- [LCY] Something has been done, now we know more about it at least.
- [GOZ] We can probably just live with it. We can receive incoming calls and it makes a funny ringing sound.
- No further comment is made; committee is in consensus that the phone can be kept.
[ROB] UWA Sports eSports Event
- [ROB] has just left.
- [GOZ] had to bail a day before the event.
- [CFE] was there just after the event, [ROB] said that turnout was much better than expected.
- [CFE] doesn't know how much value we got out of it.
- [ROB] walks back in.
- [ROB] It was an interfaculty event, so most of the people that were invited were not already members of Cameron Hall clubs.
- Around 70-80 people in Cameron Hall during the event.
- Thanks to [TFM], [TBB] and [BJS] for helping out.
- Some internal muckups due to timing of rounds and so on.
- One new signup during the event thanks to [FVP].
- From what I've heard from UWA Sport, they are happy with the club involvement.
[ROB] UCC Nostalgia Night
- Something to bring up again next semester.
Quiz Night
- [CFE] sighs.
- [GOZ] It's not actually that bad.
- Quizmittee meeting on
- [GOZ] No approval was made formally by quizmittee for clubs to actually spend any money on prizes.
- However, at least one person in each club remembered what happened in previous years and went and spent money anyway, including UCC ($60 of steam vouchers).
- Except for UniSFA which explicitly decided to not spend any money.
- 3 options provided by Quizmittee to resolve the interclub reimbursement issue. Options must be ranked by preference.
- Option A: No club is reimbursed anything.
- Option B: UCC, Panto and Unigames get $50 each, UniSFA does not get anything.
- Option C: UniSFA gets nothing, Unigames gets $50, UCC gets $60 and Panto gets $90.
- [JWB] reads out the Quiz Night reports.
- Option A, B and C give us $95.00, $107.50 and $105.00 profit respectively.
- [GOZ] Option A is the technically correct solution. Constitutionally it is dodgy whether or not we can actually approve spending to cover another club's mistake.
- Committee discusses the options.
- [GOZ] leaves the room to tell the people in the loft to be quiet.
- Committee is in consensus that option B is our first preference.
- [GOZ] Motion to officially approve options A and B with a preference for option B.
- [LCY] seconds.
- Motion passes unanimously.
- [GOZ] No approval was made formally by quizmittee for clubs to actually spend any money on prizes.
Movie nights
- Rolling reminder.
Sysadmin "Tech-talk" workshop
- Also a reminder.
- EMP is done and approved.
- [GOZ] claps.
- Now we need to advertise.
- [KAT] has been busy and hasn't been able to make a poster yet.
- [FVP] has put it on the whiteboard.
- [FVP] is feeling sad and depressed and doesn't want to do the social media advertising.
- TODO: [GOZ] Make social media posts for camp.
- We also need to look into internet for camp.
- Need a SIM card and a modem.
- [GOZ] We have
in the tool cupboard.
- [GOZ] We have
- Need to run a network night sometime before camp to make sure everything works.
- TODO: [FVP] Investigate options for camp internet.
- Need a SIM card and a modem.
- Ticket sales are managed in dispense.
- [CFE] has been working on the paperwork side of things and attendee forms.
- TODO: [FVP] Update the wiki page.
Action Items from 2018-05-25
- [GOZ]: Send email about door incentives - done.
- [CFE]: Untangle financial records for 2016 - [CFE] laughs maniacally.
- [CFE]: Write and submit SOC grant applications - done.
- [CFE]: Implement committee handover documentation archive - to be done later.
- [CFE]: Chase up [LDT] and ask about Windows licenses - not done.
- [GOZ] had a chat to [LDT].
- [LDT] has the keys if we need them.
- [LDT] apparently has updated wheel docs... somehow?
- [JWB] leaves the room at 17:23.
- [GOZ] had a chat to [LDT].
- [CFE] and [FVP]: Finish writing and submit the EMP for Camp - done.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop - to do after exams.
- [FVP]: Research options for multifunction printers - done.
- [FVP]: Send an email to [BOB] - done, and done again by [GOZ]
- [FVP]: Investigate printed RFID cards - done.
- [KAT]: Get a poster for Camp - not done yet.
- [KAT] and [CFE]: Print cards for machine specs and clubroom rules - ongoing.
- [JWB], [LCY] and [CHB]: Discuss door policy reviews - ongoing.
- [LCY]: Organise first-year unit study events - been too busy.
- Bring back next semester.
- Committee: Everyone with RSA or Food Safety certificates, please send them to [CFE].
- [JWB] returns to the room at 17:26.
- These have to be submitted sometime before the camp.
- [LCY] notes that Coke Zero is a diuretic.
- [JWB] complains that the meeting is going too long.
General Business
- [FVP] Discuss BeBox sale price.
- Do we really want to sell these? Consider Elliot's email.
- [GOZ] When the emails went out to tech@ about the BeBoxen, the general consensus was that we can sell them.
- [MTL]'s comment about "selling the family silver" is not wrong.
- The club doesn't need to sell them.
- [JWB] Selling them is irreversable.
- TODO: [FVP] to send email to tech@ to continue the discussion.
- [FVP] The BeBox was literally the first item I pulled off the shelf, and there's a lot of actual junk around UCC that takes up a lot more space.
- Note to those who are interested in discussions relating to selling or investigating things around UCC, please subscribe to
mailing list.
- [FVP] wants to discuss the tech cleanup on Saturday 23/06/2018.
- The point of the cleanup is to pull things off shelves and out from under desks and consider why the club has them.
- [GOZ] Coloured stickers would be useful (ie. red to mark for death, green to keep)
- [FVP] wants to make sure there will be free pizza.
- [GOZ] A reasonable budget would be under $5 per person.
- [FVP] Review long and short term goals and discuss timeframes.
- Points raised at the AGM, which we have not yet specifically discussed:
- More women in UCC / on committee; be more inclusive and more broad.
- Increase focus on computer science / technological interests.
- [GOZ] We should try to do more tech talks and stuff.
- Clubroom renovations
- Making clubroom better suit our purposes (better access to tool cupboard, workbench, 3D printer)
- Machine room rebuild
- Make the room more inviting
- General consensus from AGM about using some of the term deposit money to generally make the clubroom better.
- [GOZ] Something that should be done around the same time as the floors in Cameron Hall.
- [CFE] We should figure this out before 3rd of August so we can apply for Special Project Grants.
- What we have discussed already:
- Door policy reviews.
- [GOZ] personally wants the changes to be in effect by the start of semester 2.
- Door policy reviews.
- [GOZ] Keep these as reminders to things from the AGM.
- Points raised at the AGM, which we have not yet specifically discussed:
- [BOB] UCC needs new couches. Our current ones are feral.
- [GOZ] thinks we probably just need to wash them.
- [JWB] looks disgustedly at the arms of the couch covered in human detritis.
- [GOZ] Couches are expensive, we should ideally try cleaning them first.
- [JWB] Some of the cushions are damaged.
- [LCY] suggests using some kind of heavy duty "Rug Doctor" cleaning stuff.
- TODO: [GOZ] Look into cleaning the couches.
- [FVP] Discuss what events we are going to run in the next 3-6 months.
- Anniversary dinner: not until September
- UCC and Unigames camp are a month apart.
- [GOZ] We shouldn't run anything big in between because it will probably have low attendance.
- End of semester LAN?
- [GOZ] Everyone keep in mind we need to think of events to run.
- We did do some good events earlier but stopped due to low attendance.
Meeting closed at 17:48.
Current Action Items
- [GOZ] Discuss with other clubs to gauge interest in wifi upgrades.
- [GOZ] Make social media posts for camp.
- [GOZ] Look into cleaning the couches.
- [CFE] Untangle financial records for 2016.
- [CFE] Implement committee handover documentation archive.
- [CFE] Chase up [LDT] and ask about Windows licenses.
- [FVP] and [CFE]: Organise sysadmin workshop (next semester).
- [FVP] Send business case for multifunction printers to lists to get feedback.
- [FVP] Investigate options for camp internet.
- [FVP] Update the Camp wiki page.
- [FVP] Respond to emails about the BeBoxen.
- [KAT] Produce or otherwise obtain a poster for Camp.
- [KAT] and [CFE]: Print cards for machine specs and clubroom rules.
- [JWB], [LCY] and [CHB]: Continue discussing door policy reviews.
- [LCY]: Organise first-year unit study events (next semester).
- Committee: Everyone with RSA or Food Safety certificates, please send them to [CFE].
Minutes uploaded by [FVP] at 23:15 on 2018-06-27