Door and Coke Group meeting minutes -- 2000/05/12 ------------------------------------------------- Attendance ---------- nick Nick Bannon gbowland Grahame Bowland mtearle Mark Tearle Apologies --------- ben Ben Rampling luyer David Luyer sarah Sarah Kael fryers Simon Fryer mjdawson Michael Dawson griffin Stephen Griffiths melissa Melissa Challenor japester Jean-Paul Blaquiere davidb David Basden dichro Mikolaj J. Habryn silver Yeroen Meyer dunc Duncan Sargeant duffill Helen Duffill andrew Andrew Williams fitz Tom Lynch cameronm Cameron MacFarland shuruga Anita Mathers maset Anil Sharma yakk Ian McKellar acolyte Andrew Bailey dayta Leighton Haynes djinn Peter Wilsmore maelstrm Chris Grubb mrorange Colm Kiely omailes Oliver Mailes mustang David Manchester alastair Alastair Irvine Agenda ------ o Attendance Check o Duties of door group o Duties of coke group o General business Minutes ------- Meeting declared open 5:42pm by Grahame. Grahame advices attending door group and coke group members to be aware of the current situation in Cameron Hall. He also prays to whatever deity that doorgroup members giving apologies read their email. In short, Cameron Hall will be inspected by the Guild and possibly the University on Thursday the 18th at 5pm. We need the clubroom in a good condition then, and onwards. Door group members are directed to report any problems (people littering, etc) to Accounts will be locked for one week or until an acceptable apology and reassurance that it will not occur again. Cull of door and coke groups: The following have been removed from door group: --> ack alluria bers gwydion james prep stan unclemib wazza The following have been removed from coke group: --> bers john wazza Meeting closed 6:05pm.